
Driver ATI serie 9xxx su Windows 7

Ho installato Windows 7 sul mio vecchio computer di casa e nel farlo ho avuto problemi nell'installare i driver della mia ATI 9250. A quanto pare i driver sono disponibili fino a Windows XP (SP2) alla pagina ufficiale dei driver per le schede video ATI
Navigando in rete ho trovato una soluzione che sembra funzionare perfettamente, evitando le schermate blu che si hanno installando i driver della versione per Windows XP (SP2), al seguente link (la community di Microsoft).
Vi riporto la soluzione del problema:
ATI Radeon® 9200 Graphics Controller Driver for windows 7
Some of you will no doubt be aware that Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 do not Support the ATI Radeon 9200SE. Here is a full solution for those of you with the Blue Screen of Death issue on or at Shutdown & Restart.
Caution & Warning !!!
Do this very Carefully and take great caution to files and folder especially to the System32 Folder when getting this issue solved. This method works for me and I hope is will work for you too. Good Luck.
Stay safe a protected 
Step 1) Download the Windows 2000 Driver for the Card from the ATI Website. Use option 2 (Driver Only) from original CD

Step 2) Once the download has completed, simply right click it, click properties and run it in Compatibility mode for Windows XP Service Pack 2, also tick Run as Administrator.

Step 3) After applying the settings, run the download. Let it extract, and then allow the Installation to complete, however decline the option to restart immediately.

Step 4) Now, go to the System32 Folder and cut the ati2dvag.dll to your desktop.

Step 5) Take the ati2dvag.dll and paste it back into the System32 folder.

Step 6) Restart your PC.

This tutorial may work on other ATI Cards no longer supported by Windows 7, but do it at your own risk. I do not take any full responsibility for loss of data, damage to the PC, or resulting in many PC issues due to blue screens.

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